Monday 14 September 2015

Lunch Buffet

Had a long BloggingheadsTV taping session (with our old buddy Ryan Cooper as the guest) this morning, so I'm still catching up.

Here are some midday Monday news/views treats:

* New ABC/WaPo poll has Trump at 33, Carson at 20; Clinton 42, Sanders 24, Biden 21.

* Kim Davis goes back to work, and for the moment, she's not interfering with marriage licenses, which honks off her supporters no end.

* There's an updated Vox "explainer" on the Clinton email "scandal" that's worth a look in order to keep one's bearings.

* The Democratic Socialists sure wish Bernie Sanders would give them some rhetorical love.

* Meanwhile, Bernie himself spoke at Liberty University--that's right, Liberty University--and got a polite response.

And in non-political news:

* Houston projected to move past Chicago in population within the next decade.

As we break for lunch, here's Joanna Connor with the title track of her 1996 album Big Girl Blues.

from novemoore

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