Monday 14 September 2015

Jack Covey: The Billionaire Boys Club Buys Half of Los Angeles Public School Students

Jack Covey, a frequent commenter on the blog, reacts to the news that Eli Broad and a few of his billionaire friends plan to siphon off half of Los Angeles’ school children into privately managed charter schools. Their plan, as note here, was heartily endorsed by the Los Angeles Times, which dismissed the “mixed” results of charters.

Jack writes:

Brief recap of LAUSD elections:

In 2011, 30-year teacher Bennett Kayser won, despite being outspent 5-to-1 by the corporate privatizers.

In 2013, 17-year teacher Steve Zimmer won, despite being outspent 5-to-1 by the corporate privatizers.

In 2013, 13-year teacher Monica Ratliff won, despite being outspent 42-to-1 by the corporate privatizers.

In 2014, teacher & principal George McKenna won, despite being outspent 5-to-1 by the corporate privatizers.

In 2015, teacher & principal Scott Schmerelson won, despite being outspent 5-to-1 by the corporate privatizers.

Eli and the billionaires lose again and again at the polls
The voters-citizens-taxpayers have spoken loud and clear that they do not want their schools privatized, and that they want the the corporate privatizers’ backed by money-motivated, predatory billionaires to get the-hell out of, and stay the-hell out of LAUSD.

Undaunted at all his candidates losing, Billionaire Eli Broad others announced that he was pumping $1 billion dollars into charter expansion in Los Angeles… even though the voters have vehemently rejected this:

The arrogant attitude of Broad, Gates, the Waltons, etc. is…

“Elections schm-elections… school boards, schm-ool boards…

“At the end of the day, we really don’t give a sh#% what the citizens, the parents, and the taxpayers want. If we can’t buy control of the the board via the election process, we’re still gonna shove money-motivated privatization and charterization down the public’s throats whether they want it or not.

“So those unwashed masses should just shut up and accept it!”

from novemoore

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