Wednesday 9 September 2015

The Ax Grinders Surrounding Kim Davis

After I sent in a TPMCafe column on Rowan County, Kentucky, Clerk Kim Davis, I read that the reason we saw Mike Huckabee and not Ted Cruz raising hands with Davis and her attorney after her release from jail was that a Huck aide had physically blocked the Texas senator from ascending the platform. Poor Cruz was left out in the audience with everybody else.

That's a nice microcosm of the whole Davis saga. The ax-grinders surrounding her seem to have pretty much taken over the whole show, beginning with the Liberty Counsel lawyers who are clearly using her to promote their own Dominionist agenda, and the various Republican pols, national and Kentucky-based, who are literally sneaking into the scene she's created. That's one reason it is very unlikely that the "story" will end with Davis quietly returning to her job and letting her deputies issue wedding licenses. There's too much political hay to be made for the sunshine of this contrived drama to fade just yet.

from novemoore

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