Wednesday 16 September 2015

Some Great Things Are Happening in Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh is a textbook example of the importance of electing a school board that supports public schools, instead of one that is controlled by billionaires.

This is a story of how a community saved its school, which the old board had decided to close.

The new elected board listened to the community, which wanted to keep Woolsair Elementary open. The old one said enrollment was too low; with community activism, enrollment is up. The school adopted a STEAM focus (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics). The STEAM theme is given credit for renewed interest, but frankly, I think that is merely the cherry on top of the whipped cream. The real change agent here was the community activism.

Be it noted that the Pittsburgh school board severed ties with TFA.

This is a city energized to save and improve its public schools.

from novemoore

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