Thursday 17 September 2015

New York: Regents Approve Punitive Educator Evaluation System, 10-6

As expected, the New York Board of Regents adopted the punitive system of educator evaluation, based mainly on student test scores, by a vote of 10-6. The same six Regents who opposed the system last June, opposed it again yesterday; all six of the dissenting votes come from experienced educators.

To soften the blow to teachers, the Regents added an appeals process for those who want to challenge their rating.

At this point, those seeking a return to sanity await the decision in State Supreme Court in the case of Sheri Lederman, a fourth grade teacher who sued to invalidate the system.

Has anyone in Governor Cuomo’s office figured out where they will find better teachers to replace those who are fired as a result of his eagerness to oust teachers?

from novemoore

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