Friday 11 September 2015

Lunch Buffet

I'm getting the impression from here and there that this is a huge year for anchovy in the Monterey Bay, and we're getting quite the show from hungry predators feasting on them. I mentioned last week that humpback whales were visible very close to shore, preceded by more pelicans than I've ever seen in these parts. The pelicans were back in force yesterday, dive-bombing the bay just feet from the shore, and right now they are patrolling and watching from rocks, temporarily displacing the cormorants who normally perch there. Just encountered some tourists from Wisconsin on the coastal walking trail, who clearly did not know a pelican from Bucky Badger, and marveled again at how lucky I am to live here.

Here are some anchovy-free midday news/views snacks:

* Romney hands reportedly getting together in a "stop Trump" effort. Wonder what that could mean?

* Politico's Edward-Isaac Dovere, a big-time Draft Biden fellow-traveler, sees signs of a Biden campaign everywhere, particularly in his own head.

* Michelle Bachmann says Donald Trump not a sexist. That's a relief.

* At the Plum Line, Paul Waldman makes a good case for why we need to know certain things about the religious views of presidential candidates.

* New national CNN/ORC poll shows Dem prez race at 37% for Clinton, 27% for Sanders, 20% for non-candidate Biden, and also shows HRC even with leading Republicans except for Carson, whom she trails.

And in non-political news:

* Seems a lot of college football fans want their ashes sprinkled on the home field when they die. WaPo offers fascinating look at why that's not so easy.

As we break for lunch, here's John Martyn performing "Couldn't Love You More" in 1981.

UPDATE: Thanks to the commenters who noted I had the wrong link for the ashes-scattered-on-football-field story; it's fixed. I should mention that in the Deep South, where more traditional burial methods are typically preferred, the Team Logo Coffin is more common.

from novemoore

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