Wednesday 16 September 2015

Day's End and Night Watch

Down in Carmel to run some errands and struck up a conversation with strangers. Back home in the South in this circumstance you'd talk about college football. Here it's puppies, and I don't mean my Georgia Bulldogs.

Here are some remains of the day:

* Politico profile on Hugh Hewitt, the conservative gabber/blogger who Republicans hope will give Donald Trump as hard a time tomorrow night as Megyn Kelly did in the first debate.

* At the Plum Line, Greg Sargent suggests Sanders could struggle to gain traction on HRC without an issue like the Iraq War.

* Jonathan Bernstein thinks Rick Perry's "winnowing" shows the process works, however slowly.

* At College Guide, Jon Marcus notes states are supplying some of the comparative college data the feds are reluctant to compile or release.

* At The Grade, Alexander Russo reviews some cases where education reporters have been in real danger.

And in non-political news:

* PBS is doing a Jim Henson profile to prepare for the new Muppets show.

That's it for Tuesday. We'll close with Snooky Pryor performing "In This Mess."


from novemoore

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