Tuesday 15 September 2015

Day's End and Night Watch

Ran across a story on a South Carolina high school who sent a girl home for wearing a t-shirt that read: "Nobody Knows I'm a Lesbian." That took me back about fifteen years to the time I saw that same t-shirt on a fat, bald, bearded 40-something man smoking a big cigar as he leaned on the exterior wall of the Monteleone Hotel in the French Quarter. Ah, I love New Orleans.

Here are some remains of the day:

* National Journal's Emma Roller goes with Bernie Sanders to Liberty U., and thinks it went well in part because Sanders was able to "play off the goofball socialist grandpa character he's been playing in one form or another his entire political career."

* WaPo's Ishaan Tharoor reminds us a climate-change "skeptic" who's even more skeptical than Tony Abbot is still in power in Canada, but may not be after October 19.

* Nick Confessore reports Democrats may be about to use Super-PACs in a big way for down-ballot races if the FEC gives them the green light on certain loosey-goosey tactics GOPers are already using.

* At Ten Miles Square, Martin Longman argues the U.S. has a responsibility to accept Syrian refugees but needs to understand they will bring their grievances with each other with them.

* At College Guide, Rachel Fishman reports the Obama administration has made a key improvement in the process of applying for student financial aid.

And in non-political news:

* El Nino brings with it the threat of more snakebites. Yikes. But we sure need the rain.

That's it for Monday. We'll close with an appropriate day-ending song from Joanna Connor: "Pack It Up."


from novemoore http://ift.tt/1is7h9I

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